Distributor and Ignition Parts for Ducellier Distributor of Cléon engine, 956 or 1108cc of Renault 4.

This category contains Ducellier or full Ducellier type igniters for your Renault 4L as well as ignition wear parts such as platinum screws, capacitors, distributor finger, distributor head, options for Ducellier distributor to repair the system of your R4.

Contacts, Platinized Screws, Capacitor, Finger and Distributor Cap Ducellier for Renault 4
Contacts, Platinized Screws, Capacitor, Finger and Distributor Cap Ducellier for Renault 4

Parts for Ducellier Ignitor for Renault 4, 4L, R4, TL, GTL, Savane, Clan, 4L F4, 4L F6, Rodeo.

- Contacts,
- Capacitor,
- Rotor for ignitor
- Ignitor head,
- ...

Complete Ducellier igniters and Vacuum Capsule for 4L.
Complete Ducellier igniters and Vacuum Capsule for 4L.

Ducellier Igniters for Renault 4, 4L, R4, TL, GTL, Savane, Clan, 4L F4, 4L F6, Rodeo. - Ducellier ignitor
- Ducellier type Ignitor,
- Depression caps,
- ...

Renault 4 Igniter and Coil Protector Kit
Renault 4 Igniter and Coil Protector Kit

Ducellier ignition cover for Renault 4, 4L, R4, TL, GTL, Savane, Clan, 4L F4, 4L F6, Rodeo.

- Ignitor head cover,
- Increased ignition reliability during the raid,
- Protects from dust,
- Protects from moisture,
- In silicone, unalterable,
- Included with, ignition coil guard !,
- ...

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