R4L F4 Van Type R2106

The spare parts for your 4L type R2106 for the handbrake cable system are listed in the following categories. This version of 4L had 2 different mounts, depending on their production date. We have classified these parts in order to facilitate your choice when ordering to repair your Renault 4. The pivotal month of assembly change is May 1968. Refer to the registration document of your Renault 4 to identify your need.

R4 F4 Van type R2106 from the start of production until May 1968
R4 F4 Van type R2106 from the start of production until May 1968

Handbrake cables for Renault 4, 4L, R4: Type R2106

- R2106 from start to 05.68,
- ...

4L F4 Van type R2106 manufactured from May 1968 until the end of production.
4L F4 Van type R2106 manufactured from May 1968 until the end of production.

Handbrake cables for Renault 4, 4L, R4: Type R2106

- R2106 from 05.68 to end,
- ...

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